Boundary Delimitation Wards

The number of multi-member ward localities decreased from five (5) localities in 2008 to four (4) localities 2017. The reduction of the number of multi-member ward localities increased the total number of wards from 394 wards in 2008 to 446 wards in 2017.


There are 190 chiefdoms.

Paramount Chiefs

There 190 paramount chiefs.


There are 14 paramount chief members of parliament.

District Representation

Paramount chief members of parliament represent all the paramount chiefs in her/his district.


There are 446 wards.

Local Councils

There 446 local councils.

Countrywide Ward Summary Descriptions

WardKailahun Ward Summary Description
1This Ward  consists  of  the  following Sections: Bende  Bengu,  Upper Konio  and Upper Pokorli, all in the Kissi Tongi Chiefdom.  It has a population of 15,841.
2This  Ward  consists  of  Lower  Konio  and  Lower  Pokorli  Sections  in  the  Kissi  Tongi Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,841.
3This Ward consists of the following Sections: Lower and Upper Tongi Tingi Sections in Kissy Tongi Chiefdom. It  has a population of 19,099.
4This Ward consists of Bumasadu and part of Lela Section in Kissy Teng Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,595.
5This Ward consists of Kundu, part of Konio and Lela Sections in Kissy Teng Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,585.
6This Ward  consists  of  part  of  Torli  and  Konio Section  in Kissy Teng Chiefdom.  It  has  a population of 14,969.
7This Ward consists of Upper Kpombali, Gbela and Mano Sewalu Sections in L u a w a
Chiefdom. It has a population of 22,722.
8This Ward consists of the entire Kissi Kama Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,421
9This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Gao  Section,  Lower  Kpombali  and  part  of  Luawa
Foguiya Section  i n   L u a w a   C h i e f d o m .  It has a population of 19,270.
10This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Kailahun  Town  and  the  following  localities  in  Luawa Foguiya:  Daibu,  Gandorhun,  Jaama,  Kpedelah,  Kpedema,  Majaima,  Malima,  Mamboma, Petehun, Bailu, Dabollah, Tangabu I, and Tangabu II. It has a population of 21,153.
11This Ward consists of Mofinkor, Baoma, Mende Buima, and Giehun Sections in Luawa Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,068
12This Ward consists of Lower Kuiva and Upper Kuiva Sections in Mandu Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,454.
13This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections:  Gbongre  and  Levuma  Jeigbla  in Madu  Chiefdom,  and Bambara  in  Upper  Bambara  Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population of 16,161.
14This Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections:  Goleiwoma,  Niahun,  Guma  Golu  and Korbu in Upper Bambara Chiefdom. It has a population of 22,217.
15This Ward consists of the following Sections: Dodo, Sienga Baiwalla, Sakiema in Dea Chiefdom, and Njagbla Section in Malema Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,411.
16This Ward consists of Lower Sami and Upper Sami Section in Malema Chiefdom.  It has a population of 17,130.
17This   Ward   consists   of   Pelegbambeima   and   Bambaru   Section   in   Malema Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,968.
18This Ward consists of the following Sections: Lower Giebu, Upper Giebu, Upper
Luyengeh and Lower Luyengeh in Jawie Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,668.
19This Ward consists of the following Sections: Bobor, Mano and Kaio in Jawie Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,594.
20This Ward consists of only Sowa Section in Jawie Chiefdom. It has a population of
21This Ward consists of the following Sections: Fauya, Kargbu, Lower Nyawa and Keimaya in Njaluahun Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,739.
22This Ward consists of the following Sections: Sei I, Sei II and Gboo in Njaluahun
Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,293.
23This Ward consists of the following Sections: Upper Nyawa, Dan Sei, Jonga, Falley and Bombowa. It has a population of 21,184.
24This Ward consists of Kimaya, Kpindima and Kpeje Faiya Section in the Kpeje West
Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,360.
25This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections:  Kpaewa  and  Golama  in  Kpeje  West Chiefdom  and  Kuiva  Buima  and  Kuiva  in  Yawie  Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population  of
26This  Ward  consists  of  Bendu,  Kuivawa  Njawoma,  Kuiva  Jayor  and  Kuiva Mende  Sections in Yawie Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,575.
27This Ward consists of Bongre, Jorwu Marwei, Borkou and Manowa Sections in Kpeje Bongre Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,065.
28This Ward consists of Seimaya and Fallah Sections in Kpeje  Bongre Chiefdom and
Bulima and Kumatandu Sections in Penguia Chiefdom. It has a  population of 15,074.
29The Ward consists of Nimima, Lombama and Jagor Sections in Penguia Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,302.
30This Ward consists of the entire Kandu lekpeiama Chiefdom.It has a population of
WardKenema Ward Summary Description
31This Ward consists of the entire Niawa, Fallay, Sowa and part of Kamboma Sections in Small Bo Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,665.
32This Ward consists of Goroma and part of Kamboma Sections in Small Bo Chiefdom and the entire Niawa and Langrama Chiefdoms. It has a population of 17,464.
33This Ward consists of the entire Koya and Taninahun Section in Tunkia Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,081.
34This Ward consists of the entire Gaura Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,217.
35This Ward consists of Lower Dabor, Fowai and Danyadejo Sections in Dama Chiefdom. It has a population of 13, 133.
36This Ward consists of Dakowa, klajie, Dassama and Upper Dabor Sections in Dama Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,618.
37This Ward consists of the following Sections; Daru, Gorahun Taninahun and part of Kuawuma in Tunkia Chiefdom .It has a population of 20,452.
38This Ward consists of the entire Nomo Chiefdom and Gegbwema, Jewahun, Giewoma
and Part of Kuawuma, Sections in Tunkia Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,494.
39This  Ward  consists of  the  entire  Malegohun Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population  of
40This Ward consists of the following Sections: Sei and Fallay in Lower Bambara Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,165.
41This Ward consists the following Sections; Gboro, Korjei  Buima and Korjei Ngieya in Lower Bambara Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,749.
42This Ward consists of part of Nyawa Section in Lower Bambara Chiefdom. It has a population of 15, 731.
43This  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Nyawa  and  part  of  Bonya  Sections  in  Lower  Bambara Chiefdom. It has a population of 13, 246.
44This Ward consists of part of Bonya Section in Lower Bambara Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,390.
45This   Ward   consists  of   Gbo   Lambayama,  Kagbado,   Kamboim  and  part   of Konakpindibu Sections in Nongowa Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,645.
46This Ward consists part of Konakpindu and Dakpana Section in Nongowa Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,634.
47This Ward consists of the following Sections; Kona Foyia, Dagbanya, Kagbad and Gbo Kakajama B in Nongowa Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,283.
48This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections:  Gbogbeima  and  Niawa  Sections  in Wandor Chiefdom and Golama, Karteh and Bambara Sections in Dodo Chiefdom. It has a population of 12, 940.
49This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Dodo  Chiefdom;  Bundoryama, Bonya, Seiwor and Korgay. It has a population of 15,376.
50This Ward consists of the entire Simbaru Chiefdom. It has a population of 17, 397.
51This Ward consists of the following Sections: Kemoh, Tongorwa, Boryongor and Songhai in Wandor Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,868.
52This  Ward  consists  of  Kualley  and  part  of  Kaklawa  Sections  in  Gorama  Mende Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,397
53This  Ward  consists  of  Biatong and  part  of  Kaklawa Sections  in  Gorama Mende Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,137.
54This  Ward  consists  of  Famango  and  part  of  Kaklawa  Sections  in  Gorama  Mende
Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,817.
55This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections;  RTI,  Gombu  and  part  of Kondebutihun in Kenema City. It has a total population of 10,423.
56This Ward consists part of Kondebutihun Section in Kenema City. It has a population of
57This Ward consists of the entire Burma and Airfield Sections in Kenema City. It has a population of 12,436
58This Ward consists of the entire Lumbebu Section in Kenema City. It has a population of 12,983.
59The Ward consists of the entire Lekpeteh and part of Reservation Sections in Kenema City. It has a population of 12,121.
60This  Ward  consists  some  part  of  Reservation  and  part  of  Technical  Gbongbotor
Sections in Kenema City. It has a population of 7,988.
61This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Lambayama  Section  in  Kenema  City.  It  has  a
population of 9,520.
62This Ward consists of the entire Fonikor and part of Nyadeyama Section in Kenema City. It has a population of 10,852.
63This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Ndigbuama  and  part  of  Njaguema  Sections  in
Kenema City. It has a population of 10,834.
64This  Ward  consists  part  of  Shimbeck  Section  in  Kenema  City.  It  has  a population of 12,589.
65This Ward consists part of Simbeck Section in Kenema City.  It has a population of
66This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Gbenderu  Section  in  Kenema  City.  It  has  a population of 11,313.
67This Ward consists of the entire Kissy Town Section in Kenema City. It has a population of 12,124.
68This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Kpayama  Section  in  Kenema  City.  It  has  a population of 12,132.
69This Ward consists part of Njaguema and Technical Gbogbotor Sections in Kenema City. It has a population of 10,382.
70This Ward consists part of Technical Gbongbotor Section in Kenema City. It has a population of 10,871.
71This Ward consists part of Technical Gbongbotor Section in Kenema City.It has a population of 8,482.
72This Ward consists part of Technical Gbongbotor Section in Kenema City.  It has a population of 12,748
WardsKono Ward Summary Description
73This Ward consists of Gbense-Moindefeh B, Gbense-Vaama, Moindefeh, Tankoro- Kinsey, Tankoro-Koakoyima, Tankoro-Lebanon. It has a population of 43,450.
74This Ward consists of Tankoro New Sembehun and Tankoro Waofeh Sections in Koidu City. It has population of 37,937.
75This Ward consists of Gbense Moindefeh A and Gbense Moindekor Sections in Koidu City. It has a population of 46,643.
76This Ward consists of the entire Bafinfeh, Njagbakahun,Tama and part of Njaifeh
Sections in  Nimiyama Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,458.
77This  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Njaifeh  Section  and  the  entire  Peyifeh  Sections  in Nimiyama Chiefdom and the entire Bunabu and part of Kangama Section in Gorama
Kono Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,120.
78This Ward  consists of part of Kangama Section and  the  entire Selokoma Section  in Gorama  Kono  Chiefdom  and  the  whole of Tankoro  Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population of  19,385.
79This  Ward  consists of part of Jaiama Section  and the  entire Masayiefeh  Section in Nimikoro Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,059.
80This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Bafinfeh  and  Gbogboafeh  Section  in  Nimikoro Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,926.
81This Ward consists part of Jaiama and part of Badafafeh Sections in Nimikoro Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,394.
82This Ward consists of part of Badafafeh Section in Nimikoro Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,846.
83This Ward consists of the entire Gbikibakor, Kamara, Maikanbor and part of Mongo Section in   Gbane Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,143.
84This Ward  consists of the  entire Gbane –Yemao and part of Mongo in  Gbane Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,261.
85This Ward consists of the entire Foidu Mongor, Maindu, Sawa-Buma, Sawa- Fiama,   Tensekor   and  Tensendakor  Sections   in   Soa  Chiefdom.   It   has   a
population of 19,824.
86This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Kokongokuma  and  Mafinkor  Sections  in  Soa Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,426.
87This Ward consists of the entire Gbane Kandor Chiefdom and part of Kutey Section in Mafindor Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,331.
88This  Ward  consists part  of  Kutey Section, the  entire Kamiendor  and Mafindor Sections in Mafindor Chiefdom.It has a population of 12,275.
89This Ward consists of the following Sections: Kensay, Lei, Sangbaba, Tingi- Kor and Tankoro in Lei Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,267.
90This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections:  Dia,  Kamara,  Koaro,  Yawai  in  Lei Chiefdom and the entire Toli Chiefdom. It has a population of, 12,745.
91This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Section  Fakongofeh,  Samgbafeh  and  Part  of Njeikor in Sandor Chiefdom. It has population of 12,216.
92This Ward consists of part of Njeikor and the entire Kawafeh Sections in Sandor Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,359.
93This Ward consists of the entire Sinkongofeh and Sumunjifeh Sections in Sandor Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,996.
94This Ward consists of the entire Yawatanda Section in Sandor Chiefdom. It has a
population of 16,821.
95This Ward consists of the entire Dangbaidu Section in Sandor Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,153.
96This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Bafinfeh  Section  in  Sandor  Chiefdom.  It  has  a population of 15,334.
97The Ward consists of the entire Kamara Section in Kamara Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,412.
98This Ward consists of the entire Gbense Rural Section. It has a population of 15,864.
99This Ward consists of the entire Fiama Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,455.
WardBombali Ward Summary Description
100This Ward consists of the following Sections in the Kamaranka Chiefdom: Kamaranka, Makapr, Malikia, Maneh, Matandorkoh, Royeama, Sakuma and Sendugu.
It has a population of 11,852.
101This Ward consists of the entire Magbainba Nadorwahun Chiefdom and part of Lobanga and part of Tanyehun Sections in the Gbendembu Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,249.
102This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  the  Gbendembu  Chiefdom:    Gbendembu, Lohindie, Loko-Madina, Makia, Mamaka, Mayorthan, Sahun and part of Tanyehun.
It has a population of 15,891.
103This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Ngowahun  Chiefdom:   Garanganwa,  Kania, Makarihiteh, Makump, Mamukay and Matehun. It has a population of 11,008.
104This    Ward    consists    of    the    following    Sections    in    Ngwahun    Chiefdom:    Kalangba, Makeregbohun,  Masongbo,  Tambiama  and  part  of  Makari  Chiefdom  with  the  following Sections: Mangay and Punthun .It has a population of 15,023.
105This Ward consists of the following Sections in the Makari Chiefdom: part of Mankneh Bana, Masongbo B, Tonkoba and Yainkassa .It has a population of 16,426.
106This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Makari  Chiefdom:      Magbenteh,  part  of Mankneh Bana and Masongbo A. It has a population of 17,106.
107This Ward consists of the following Sections in Mara Chiefdom:   Kiamp Kakolo, Mabilafu, Manewa and Mara. It has a total population of 17,451.
108This Ward consists of the following Sections in Bombali Sebora Chiefdom: party of Kafala and
Matotoka. It has a population of 11,329.
109This Ward consists of part of Kafala Section in Bombali Sebora Chiefdom and Konta Section in Bombali Siari Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,675.
110This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Kagbaran  Dokom  B  in  Bombali  Sebora  Chiefdom.  It  has  a population of 14,409.
111This Ward consists of the following Sections in Paki Masabong Chiefdom:  Buban 1, Masabong Pil, Masabong Thoron, Mayagba, Mayawlaw and Rosanda. It has a population of 13,577.
112This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Safroko  Limba  Chiefdom:   Mabanba,  part  of Kayassi   and   part   of   Binkolo   and   the   following   Sections   in   Paki   Masabong   Chiefdom: Kathanthan, Kathegeya, and Mapaki .It has a population of 11,179.
113This Ward consists of the following Sections in Safroko Limba Chiefdom: part of Binkolo and
Kagbo. It has a population of 11,056.
114This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Safroko  Limba  Chiefdom:  part  of  Binkolo,
Kabonka, Kasengbeh, part of Kayassi and Masapi. It has a population of 15, 324.
115This Ward consists part of Bumban, the entire Kamabai, Kamanko and part of Karina Section in Biriwa Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,676.
116This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Biriwa  Chiefdom:  part  of  Bumban,  part  of Kabakeh, Balandug, part of Karina and the entire Koyonkro. It has a population of 15,261.
117This Ward consists of part of Kabakeh Balandugu, the entire Kagbankuna, Karassa and part of  Karina Sections in the Biriwa Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,368.
118This Ward consists of Masuba and Rosint Sections in the Gbanti Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,849.
119This  Ward  consists  part  of  Gborbana,  part  of  Mabanta  and  part  of  Rosint  Sections  in  the Gbanti Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,916.
120This  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Mabanta  and  part  of  Mina  Gbanti  Sections  in  the  Gbanti Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,365.
121This Ward consists of the following Sections in Makeni City: Market Ward, Rogbaneh Ward and part of Wusum Ward. It has a population of 47,630.
122This Ward consists of the following Sections in the Makeni City: Mayanka 1 Ward, part of Mina Gbanti, part of Wusum Ward, Banana Ward, Maslasie Ward and Mayanka 2 Ward. It has a population of 32,114.
123This Ward consists of the following Sections in the Makeni City: Kagbaran Dokom A and Teko Ward. It has a population of 46,226.
WardFalaba Ward Summary Description
124This Ward consists of the entire Folosaba Chiefdoms. It has a population of 10,691.
125This Ward consists of the entire Dembelia Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,228.
126This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Dembelia  Sinkunia  Chiefdom:  Badembaia, Kunbulun, Mawundea, Foraia and Sinkunia ll (EA 3 & 7).  It has a population 12,802.
127This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections:  Sinkunia  ll  (EA  1,2,4,5,  &  6),  Gbindi  Central, Numula, and Sinkunia l Sections in Bembelia Sinkunia Chiefdom and Nomokoya, and Simithya Sections in Kabelia Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,987.
128This Ward consists of  the Ganya  Section in Kabelia Chiefdon, Gberia Fotombu, Koindu-Kura and Kaliyereh Sections in Sulima Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,080.
129This Ward consists of the following Sections in Sulima Chiefdom: Biribaia, Dara, Fodaia, Falaba l, Falaba ll, Laylay, Limbaya, Sonkoya, Tongoron and Nyalakala Section in Kabelia Chiefdom. It has a population of 8,637.
130This  Ward  consists  of  the  following Sections  in  Sulima Chiefdom:  Gberia-Timbako, Kambaia, Malebunta and Timbako. It has a population of 11,582.
131This Ward consists of the entire Kamadu Yiraia Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,230.
132This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Morifindugu  1,  part  of  Morifindugu  2  in  Morifindugu
Chiefdom and Mongo 1 Section in Mongo Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,180.
133This Ward consists of part of Mongo l and the entire Mongo 2 and Mongo 3 Sections in the Mongo Chiefdom It has a population of 13,716.
134This Ward consists of part of Barawa and Wollay Sections in the Barawa Wollay Chiefdom.  It has a population of 10,303.
135This  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Barawa  Section  in  the  Barawa  Wollay  Chiefdom.  It has a population of 11,317.
136This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Nyedu  Chiefdom,  part  of  Wollay  Section  in  Barawa  Wollay Chiefdom  and  part  of  Morifindugu  Section  in  Morifindugu  Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population  of
137This Ward consists of the following Sections in Delmadugu Chiefdom: Benadugu and Mankalia and part of Lower Deldugu. . It has a population of 10,179.
138This Ward consists of the entire Upper Deldugu and part of Lower Deldugu in Delemandugu
Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,834.
139This Ward consists of the entire Kulor Saradu Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,375.
140This Ward consists of the entire Upper Neya 1 and part of Lower Neya 1  in Neya Chiefdom. It   has a population of 11,847.
141This Ward consists of part of Lower Neya 1 and the entire Neya 2 in the Neya Chiefdom.  It has a population of 13,392.


WardsKoinadugu Ward Summary Description
142The Ward consists of the following the entire Tamiso Chiefdom and Kamannikie Section in Wara Wara Bafodia Chiefdom. It has a population of 8,806.
143This Ward consists of the entire Kamuke Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,187.
144This Ward consists of the following Sections in Wara Wara Bafodia Chiefdom: Bafodia, Kakoya and Kamagbengben. It has a population of 11,016.
145This Ward consists of the following Sections in Wara Wara Bafodia Chiefdom: Kaponpon, Madina, Semamdia and Kadanso. It has a population of 8,841.
146This Ward consists of the following Sections in Sengbe Chiefdom: Bendugu, Heremakono and Koinadugu. It has a population 11,685.
147This Ward consists of the following Sections in Sengbe Chiefdom: Yogomaia and Bilimaia. It has population of 13,101.
148This Ward consists of part of Zone 3 Sections in Wara Wara Yagala Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,898.
149This Ward consists of part of Zone 3 and the entire Zone 4 Sections in Wara Wara Yagala Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,189.
150This Ward consists of the following Zones in Wara Wara Yagala Chiefdom: Zone 1. Zone 2, Zone 5, Zone 6 and Zone 7. It has a population of 13,058.
151This Ward consists of Gbonkobor and Kayaka Sections in the Gbonkobor Kayaka Chiefdom, Lengekoro Section in Diang Chiefdom and part of Kasunko Section in Kasunko Kakallian Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,759.
152This Ward consists of the following Sections in Kasunko Kakallian Chiefdom: Darusalem, Fangama, Kakallain, Madingo 1 and part of Kasunko. It has a population of 9,350.
153This Ward consists of the following Sections in Diang Chiefdom: Gbenekoro, Kondembaia, Sokurala, part of Kania and part of Darakuru. It has a population of 13, 491.
154This Ward consists part of Kania and part of Darakuru Sections in Diang Chiefdom. It has a population of 14, 015.
155This Ward consists of part of Kalian Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,434.
156This Ward consists of part of Kalian Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,224.
157This Ward consists of the entire Seradu Section in Nieni Chiefdom. It has a population of 11,863.
158This Ward consists of part of Nieni Chiefdom (EA1-12 &20-25). It has a population of
159This Ward consists of part of Nieni Chiefdom (EA13-19 & 26-31). It has a population of
WardTonkolili Ward Summary Description
160This Ward consists of Makeni Rokefula, Malanchor and part of Ronietta Sections in
the Yoni Mabanta Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,163.
161This Ward consists of Mamaka, Mayira and part of Ronietta Sections in Yoni Mabanta Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,190.
162This  Ward  consists  of Macrogba in Yoni Mamaila Chiefdom,  Petifu  and  part  of Mayira  Sections  in the  Yoni  Mabanta Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,738.
163This  Ward  consists  of  Yoni  Section  in  the  Yoni  Mamaila  Chiefdom  and  part of  Gaindema Section. It has a population of 19,817.
164This Ward consists of Foindu, Malampor and Masengbe and part of Gaindema Sections  in the Yoni Mamaila Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,562.
165This Ward consists part of Gaindema Section in the Yoni Mamaila Chiefdom .It has a  population of 19,041.
166This Ward consists of the entire Malal Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,502.
167This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Kholifa  Mabang  Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population  of
168This   Ward   Consists   of   Mamutha   and   Mayossoh   Sections   in   the   Kholifa Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,106.
169This  Ward  consists  of  Mayatha  and  Makump  in  Kholifa  Rowala  Chiefdom.  It  has  a
population of 16,016.
170This Ward consists of Bo Road and Old Magburaka Sections in Kholifa Rowala Chiefdom. It has a population of 21,090.
171This  Ward  consists  of  the  whole  of  Lal-Lenken  Section  in  the  Kholifa  Rowala Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,916.
172This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Tane  Chiefdom:  Maboboh  Koray, Makrugbeh, Mathunkara and part of Matotoka. It has a population of 16,498.
173This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Tane  Chiefdom:  Mangay-  Bana, Mapakie and part of Matotoka. It has a population of 16,787.
174This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Gbonkolenken  Chiefdom: Lower Polie, Petifu Bana and Upper Polie. It has a population of 13,709.
175This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Gbankoderken  Chiefdom Lower  Massakong,  Upper  Massakong  and  Yiben.It  has  a  population  of 21,481.
176This Ward consists of the following Sections in Gbonkolenken Chiefdom Petifu  Mayawa  B  and  Yele  Manowo  Sections.  It  has  a  population  of
177This Ward consists of the following Sections in Gbonkolenken Chiefdom: Mayeppoh and Petifu Mayawa A. It has a population of 17,177.
178This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Konike  Barina  Chiefdom:  Makali, Makong,  Mamurie,  Masaba  and  Semorkanie  in  Konike  Folawuso  Chiefdom.  It has  a population of 20,430.
179This  Ward  consists  of  Mathonkara,  and  Wonkibor  in  Konike  Barina  and  Sanda
Section in Konike Sanda Chiefdom.  It has a population of 20,513.
180This Ward consists of the following Sections in Konike Sanda Chiefdom: Thamah and part of Yenkeh Section. It has a population of 19,401.
181This  Ward  consists  of  the  following Sections  in Konike  Chiefdom:  Masingbi  and part of Yenkeh Section. It has a population of 18,752.
182This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  the  Konike  Folawoso  Chiefdom: Thambaya, Wana and Rolal. It has a population of 20,564.
183This  Ward  consists  of  the  following Sections  in  Kafe  and Simiria Chiefdoms: Kabaia, Kamarugu and Makelfa. It has a population of 21,456.
184This   Ward   consists   of   the   following   Sections   in   Simiria   Chiefdom:   Mabonto, Makontande, Mayaso and Simiria. It has a population of 15,214.
185This Ward consists of the following Sections in Dansogia Chiefdom: Bassia and Bumbuna. It has a population of 18,786.
186This   Ward   consists   of   Sections   in   Dansogia   Chiefdom,   Fuladugu,   Kakallain, Kamakathie,  Kasokira,  Makilla,  Songoni  and  Kemedugu  in  Kalanthuba  Chiefdom. It  has a population of 17,078.
187This Ward consists of Buyan and Dayie Sections in the Sambaya Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,808.
188This Ward  consists of  Borowah and Sambaya  Sections  in the Sambaya Chiefdom.  It has a population of 16,185.
KambiaKambia Ward Summary Description
189This Ward consists of Gbinle, Katalan, Sanda, Rogberay and Tawuya Sections. It has a
population  of 15,443.
190This  Ward  consists  of  Kanku-Bramaia  Section  in Bramaia  Chiefdom:  and  three Sections in Dixon Chiefdom: Kalanbga, Mafaray and Maton It has a population of 15,625.
191This Ward consists of five Sections in Bramaia Chiefdom: Dramania A/Seduya A, Fillighunyie, Fortomboyie, Kukuna  and Teneba Bramaia. It has a population of
192This Ward consists of  Dramania/Senduya B, Gberekuray/Turaya, Kabaya, Konta and Kufuru/Bugami Sections in Bramaia Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,656.
193This Ward consists of Kamassasa and Yebaya Sections in Tonko Limba Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,579.
194This Ward consists of part of Bubuya and the entire Kathanthineh Sections in Tonko
Limba Chiefdom. It has a  population of 13,794.
195This Ward consists part of Bubuya Section in the Tonko Limba Chiefdom. It  has a population of 16,006.
196This Ward consists of two Sections in the Tonko Limba Chiefdom. Magbonkoh and  Mamankoh. It has a population of 13,194.
197This Ward consists of the entire Kamba Section in Magbema Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,175.
198This Ward consists of the entire Rokupr Sections in the Magbema Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,508.
199This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Robat  Section  in  Magbema  Chiefdom.  It  has  a population of 15,525.
200This Ward consists of part of Kambia and the entire Tormina Section in Magbema Chiefdom. It has a  population of 11,793.
201This Ward consists of the following Sections in Masungbala Chiefdom: Benna,
Kawula, Nonko and Samu. It has a  population of 15,679.
202This Ward consists the following Sections; Barmoi, Kayenkassa, Mapolon, Maserie, Matengha, Matilba, Sunbuya and Thalla in Masungbala Chiefdom. It has a population of
203This Ward consists part of Kambia Section in  Magbema Chiefdom. It has a
population of 17,086.
204This Ward consists of the following Sections in the Mambolo Chiefdom: Kalenkay,  Rotain Bana and Tombo Wallah. It has a population of 12,818.
205This Ward consists of the following Sections in Mambolo Chiefdom: Mambolo Town, Matetie and part of Robis Section. It has a population of  12,630.
206This Ward consists of the following Sections in Mambolo Chiefdom: Mayakie, Rowollon and part of Robis Section. It has a population of 12,504.
207This Ward consists of Bombeh and Kargbuloh Sections in Magbema Chiefdom. It
has a population of 15,078.
208This Ward consists of Makuma and Mapotolon Sections in Samu Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,336.
209This Ward consists of Kychom and Moribaia Sections in Samu Chiefdom. It has a population  of 17,861.
210This Ward consists of Lunsenia, Mafufuneh and Kassirie Sections in Samu Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,273.
211This Ward consists of Bubuya, Koya, Mange, Rokon, and Rosinor Sections in Samu Chiefdom. It has a  population of 13,320.


WardKarene Ward Summary Description
212This  Ward  consists  of  part  Tambaka,  Yanbangie  Chiefdom  with  the  following Sections: Paramount Chief (EA  3), Dugutha, Moria and Thalla. It has a population of 16,031.
213The  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Tambaka  Yobangie  Chiefdom  with  Paramount  chief Section and part of Sella Limba Chiefdom with Samia Section. It has a population of 13,923.
214The  Ward  consists  of  part  of  the  entire  Tambaka  Simibue  Chiefdom  with  Simibu Section. It has a population of 14,030.
215The  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Sella  Limba  Chiefdom  with  Fullah,  and  Kamakwe Section. It has a population of 16,810.
216The Ward consists of part of Sella Limba Chiefdom with Kamankoh Section. It has a population of 12,317.
217The  Ward   consists  of  part  of  Sella   Limba  Chiefdom  with  Magbonkoni  ll  and Manonkoh Section. It has a population of 10,913.
218The Ward consists of part of Sella Limba Chiefdom with Kayimbor and Magbonkoni l Section. It has a population of 12,870.
219The  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Sanda  Loko  Chiefdom  with  the  following  Sections:
Kaindema, Makapa and Rothatha. It has a population of 11,479.
220The  Ward  consists  of  Part  of  Sanda  Loko  Chiefdom  with  the  following  Sections: Kamalo, Kania, Maparay/Gbonkoh and Timbo. It has a population of 12,734.
221The  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Sanda  Loko  Chiefdom  with  the  following  Sections: Banka, Benia, Manathi, Kindia and Maharibo. It has a population of 10,439.
222This  Ward  consists  of  four  Sections  in  the  Sanda  Loko  Chiefdom:  Makwie  Loko, Madina, Laminaya and part of Kindia. It has a population of 10,423.
223This  Ward  consists  of  nine  Sections  in  Gbanti  Chiefdom:  Gbenkfay,  Gbonkobana, Kambia, Laminaya, Makulon, Makumray, Mangay, Rogberay and Romaneh Sections. It  has a population of 16,639.
224This  Ward  consists  of  five  Sections  in  the  Sanda  Tendaren  Chiefdom:  Kalangba, Kukuna, Rogbin, Rogboreh and Sendugu Sections. It has a population of 14,466.
225This  Ward  consists  of  five  Sections  in  the  Sanda  Tendaren  Chiefdom:  Marampa, Masisan, Mateboi, Rosos and Yankabala Sections. It has a population of 11,762.
226This     Ward     consists     of     two     Chiefdoms:     Libeisaygohun/Gbombahun     and Matonda/Makerembay. It has a population of 16,199.
227This  Ward  consists  of  seven  Sections  in  the  Sanda  Magbolontor  Chiefdom:  Gbaneh- Loko,  Gbogbodo,  Gbonko,  Kantia,  Layamantmetank,  Menthen  and  Robis  Section.  It has  a population of 11,837.
228This  Ward  consists  of  seven  Sections  in  Sanda  Magbolontor  Chiefdom:  Bankro, Malkiya, Mankneh, Masien, Hotigbonko, Sendugu and Magbolontor Sections. It has a population of 11,894.
229This Ward consists of the entire Dibia Chiefdom. It has a total population of 15,519.
230This Ward consists of the entire Safroko Chiefdom and part of Buya Chiefdoms, and part of Kamasundu Section (EA 2) in Buya Chiefdom. It has a population of 11,445.
231This  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Buya  Chiefdom:  part  of  Kamasundu  (EA  1,  3,  4  & 5) Mabureh-Buya, Magbengbe, Manungbu, Rosint, Worreh-Mapoteh and Part of Gbaran
Kamba Sections (EA 1- 8)) in Romende Chiefdom. It has a total population of 16,830.
232This  Ward  consists  of  six  (6)  Sections  in  the  Romende  Chiefdom:  part  of  Gbaran Kamba,  EA  (9),   Foredugu,  Mabureh-Mende,  Petifu-Bana,  Robis  and  Rokel.  It  has  a population of 16,986.


WardPort Loko Ward Summary Description
233This Ward consists of Moria, Old Port Loko, Pothocase, part of Rofenka Sections (EA 2, 3 & 5) in Maforki Chiefdom and part of Kondato Section (EA (2-5 & 12-14) in Bakeh Loko Chiefdom. It has a population of 10,338.
234This Ward consists of part of Magbeni EA (1-5), Sanda, Sendugu and part of Gberray Morie  Sections EA (10-13) in Bakeh Loko Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,670.
235This Ward consists of Falaba, Romaka, Kabata, part of Kondato (EA 1, 6-11, 15-18) and part of Magbeni Sections  (EA 6) in Bakeh Loko Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,029.
236This Ward consists of the entire Mamanki and Rosint Sections in Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom. It has a population of 21,319.
237This Ward consists of two Sections in the Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom: Yongro and part of Kasongha Section. It has a population of 18,535.
238The Ward consists of part of Kasongha in Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom. It has a population of
239The Ward consists of Mahera and part of Foronkoya Sections in Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,140.
240This Ward consists of part of Foronkoya Section in Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom. It has a population
of 17,044.
241This Ward consists of part of Foronkoya and part of Lungi Sections in Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom and the entire Komrabai in the Lokomasama Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,315.
242This Ward consists of part of Lungi Section and the entire Mayaya Section in Kaffu Bullom Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,792.
243The Ward consists of the entire Yurika Section in Lokomasama Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,014.
244This Ward consists of the entire Gbainty Section in Lokomasama Chiefdom and konta Section in Kamasondo Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,500.
245This Ward consists of the following Sections: Matheng, Mapiterr, Petifu, and Royema Sections in Lokomasama Chiefdom and Benkia and Kantaya Section in Kamasondo Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,881.
246This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  kamasondo  Section  in  Kamasondo  Chiefdom.  It  has  a population of 13,612.
247This Ward consists of the following Sections in Kamasondo Chiefdom: Magbokorr and Mannah and Gberray Thunkara, Maforay, Magbengbeh, and part of Marunia (EA 1, 2 and 3), Mathera
EA (1 and 5) and Gbonko Mayira (EA 1) in Maforki Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,226.
248This Ward consists of Katonga section in Kamasondo Chiefdom, Malal, part of Gberray Morie (EA  1  to  9), Tauya  section  in  Bakeh Loko  Chiefdom. It  also  consists of  Kalangba  (EA  3  to  9), Makana,  Mamanka,  Rogbla  and  Yali  Sanda  sections  in  Bureh  Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population of  20,842.
249This Ward consists of part of Kalangba (EA 1 and 2), Kambia Morie, Konta Ferry, Mange Morie sections  in  Bureh  Chiefdom  and  the  whole  of  Maconteh  chiefdom.  It  has  a  population  of 16,161.
250This Ward consists of the entire Kasseh Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,511.
251This Ward consists of the entire Makama and Thainkatopa Chiefdoms. It has a population of
252This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Maforki  Chiefdom:  Batpolon,  Komrabai- Waterloo, Magbankitha, Mamanso, Maronko, Mathera, parts of Rofinka and Petifu Madina in Marampa Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,493.
253This Ward consists of the following Sections: part of Petifu Madina (EA 8) in Marampa Chiefdom, Gberray Bana, Gbonko Mayira, Maboni, Makorobalai, Mapolie, part of Marunia (EA 4 and 5) and Massebay in Maforki Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,315.
254This Ward consists of the following Sections: Benkia, Futa, Kagbala B, Marefa, Mathirie, Robia, Sanda and Tumba Sections in Koya Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,232.
255This Ward consists of the following Sections in Koya Chiefdom:  Kagbala A, part of Roponka, Mandoma, Gbabai, Magbeni and part of Foredugu Sections. It has a population of 20,296.
256This Ward consists of part of Foredugu, part of Fondu and part of Roponka in Koya Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,592.
257This Ward consists of part of Fondu, the entire Mahera, Rokel and Rosarr Sections in Koya Chiefdom. It has a population of 14, 932.
258This Ward consists of Matheneh and Mawoma Sections in Koya Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,125.
259This Ward consists of Biki, Mamalikie, Nonkoba, Rokel, Rokon-komboya and Yoni-Pet Sections in Masimera Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,781.
260This Ward consists of Biss-Manika, Katick, Maconteh, Masimera, Matuku and Mayola-Thatha
Section in Masemera   Chiefdom. It has a population of 20,062.
261This Ward consists of Magbele, Mawullay, Rogballan and Rolankonoh in Marampa Chiefdom.
It has a population of 12,630.
262This Ward consists part of Marampa A in Marampa Chiefdom. It has a population of 21,742.
263This  Ward  consists      part  of  Marampa  A,  the  entire  Marampa  B  and  Mange  Sections  in
Marampa Chiefdom. It has a population of 21,562.


WardBo Ward Summary Description
264The Ward consists of Northward of Njai Town-Kulanda Town, parts of Bo No 2, Borbor
Kombo, (EA 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8). It has a population of 8,127.
265The Ward consists of one Section North Ward – Kissy Town – Samamie. It has a population of 8,850.
266The Ward consists of part of North – Ward Bo-No 2- Borbor Kombo (EA 1-3, 9-19), part of Eastward Batiama Layout (EA 1-4). It has a population of 11,262
267This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Eastward  Samamie-Durbar  Ground  Section.  It  has  a population of 10,294.
268This Ward consists of Eastward Kindia Town, Yimoh Town and part of Eastward. Batiama Layout (EA 5). It has a population of 12,635.
269This Ward consists of Northward Kissi Town-Kortubuma. It has a population of 7,797.
270This Ward consists of Eastward Bumpe Wo- Torpoi Town. It has a population of 9,580.
271This  Ward  consists  of  Eastward  Messima  1  and  Eastward  Messima  2.  It  has  a population of 13,519.
272This Ward consists part of Eastward-Manjama –Shellmingo (EA 1 & 2) and Eastward Gbondo Town. It has a  population of 8,955.
273This Ward consists of part of Eastward Manjama Shellmingo (EA 3-14) and part of Westward Lewabu- Manjama (EA 1, 2 & 10). It has a  population is 9,462.
274This  Ward  consists  of  Westward  Kandeh  Town-Korwama  and  part  of  Westward  Lewabu-
Manjama (EA 3-9). It has a population of 12,248.
275This Ward consists of Northward Reservation 1 and 2. It has a population of 8,697.
276This Ward consists of Eastward Moriba Town-New Site. It has a population of 14,907.
277This Ward consists of Westward Nikibu- Bo School. Njaboima. It has a population of 8,087.
278This Ward consists of Westward Njagboima- Coronation Field. It has a population of 13,485.
279This Ward Consists of part of Westward Moriba Town-Sewa Road (EA 15-23, 25, 26 and 28). It has a population of 8,178.
280This Ward consists of part of Westward Moriba Town- Sewa Road (EA 1-14 and 27). It has a population of 8,286.
281This  Ward  consists  of  Tissana,  Kpangbalia,  Mano,  Bum  and  Gorapon  Sections  in Bagbo  Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,657.
282This  Ward  consists  of  Yoma,  Gao  in  Lugbu  Chiefdom,  Jimmi  and  Niagorehun  in Bagbo Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,971.
283This  Ward  consists  of   Magbao,  Kemoh,  Kamba  and  Kargbevu  Sections  in  the Lugbu  Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,631.
284This Ward consists of Walihun, Sahn, Bongor and Sewama Sections in the Bumpeh Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,848.
285This Ward consists of Taninahun, Yengema and Serabu Sections in Bumpeh Chiefdom.
It has a population of 14,069.
286This Ward consists of Foya, Bumpeh and Kpetema Sections in Bumpeh Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,211.
287This Ward consists of Banyawa, Njagbla 1, Njagbla 2 and Sendeh Sections in the  Tikonko Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,383.
288This Ward consists of Morku and Mambawa Sections and some localities in Sewa (EA 2-4, 8-18, 27-44) in  Tikonko Chiefdoms. It has a population of 18,634.
289This Ward consists of the entire Ngolamajei Section and the following eleven villages in the Sewa Section: Torwama, Wongibo, Jombohun, Maskpa, Kapima, Sami I, Sami 3,  Nyewoma,  Kpetemo,  Kendeyela and  New  England  in  Tikonko Chiefdom.  It  has  a population of 14,898.
290This Ward  consists  of   Lower Kargoi, Manyeh,  Central  Kargoi  and   Upper Kargoi   Sections in Wonde Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,265.
291The Ward consists of Lower Naiwa, Lower Kama, Upper Naiwa and Upper Kama
Sections in the Jaiama Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,864.
292This  Ward  consists  of Lower  Baimba,  Upper  Baimba,  Tongowa  and  Nekpondo Sections in Bongor Chiefdom. It has a population of  16,396.
293This Ward consists of Sonnah and Banbawo Sections in the Baoma Chiefdom. It has a
population of 17,350.
294This Ward consists of the entire Mawojeh, Lower Pataloo and Kimaya Sections in the Boama Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,023.
295This Ward consists of Fallay, Njeima and Upper Pataloo in the Baoma Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,411.
296This Ward consists of Kemoh, Nyallay, Niawa Sections and the following six villages
in  the  Jongo  Section:  Gbaama,  Sami,  Buma,  Kpaula,  Bija   and  Yengema  in  the Bagbwe  Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,663.
297This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Badjia,  Fallay,  Njargbahun,  Damai,  Sei  and Kpallay Sections in the Bagbwe Chiefdom and Samawa Section and Mokpendeh Village in the Jongo Section. It has a population of 12,419.
298This Ward consists of the entire Komboya Chiefdom. It has a population  of 15,608.
299This Ward consists of the entire Niawa Lenga Chiefdom. It has a population  of 13,916.
300This Ward consists of Ngovo and Vanjelu Sections in the Valunia Chiefdom and the  entire Selenga Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,341.
301This Ward consists of Lunia, Kendedo and Yarlenga Sections in Valunia Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,148.
302This Ward consists of Seilenga and Deilenga Sections in Valunia Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,165.
303This Ward consists of the entire Gbo Chiefdom and the entire Mguabu Section in the Kakua    Chiefdom    and    Gbomgboma,    Damboma,    Panguma,    Manjama    and Pindegumahun towns in the Samamie Section. It has a population of 18,779.
304This Ward consists of the following twenty-two villages in the Samamie Section: New London, New York, Kebbie Town, Gbomgboma Kukuhun, Baobu, Falaba, Geoma2, Lubaibu, Gbanja Town, Fanima Kpawula, Mbelema, Manihun (New Town) Geoma1, Bayama,  Patama,  Fanima  Foya,  Manihun  (Old  Town)  Komende,  Fallah,  Simbect, Bobobu and Masahun. It has a population of 19,763.
305This  Ward  consists  of  Kpandobu,  Sindeh,  Nyawa,  Korjeh,  Nyallay  and  Sewa Sections in Kakua Chiefdom. It has a population of 18,696.


WardBonthe Ward Summary Description
306The Ward starts at the Junction of King Street and Dombokoro Road. It moves North ward  passing  the  Junction  of  Palm  street  Lime  Street,  Victoria  Street  on  to  Heddle Road.  It  continues  Eastward  along  the  wharf  passing  Monument  Lane,  Cluffin  Lane, Mission Road and Cambul Lane on to the bush. It finally joins Dombokoro Road on to the Junction with King Street. It also comprises Yenkelen, Kilgbe and York Island.  It has a population of 2,117.
307The  Ward  starts  at  the  Junction  of  Baimbay  Road  and  Pie  Maray  Street;  it  moves Southward along Pie Maray Street to the Junction of King Street and continues North- East Ward passing the Junction of Coulson Street, Nathan Street Domboko Road, Palm Street, Victoria Street and Heddle Road to the end of King Street. The Ward continues along the bush North. It also consist of Buntibai Village
Westward on to the end of Medina Street, Otta Street on to the end of Victoria Street. It further continues South-Westward along the bush  passing the  end  of Palm  Street, Pie Maray Street, George Avenue on to the end of Baimbay Road. It finally moves along Baimbay Road Eastward on to the Junction of Pie Maray Street where it starts. It has a
population of 3,654.
308The Ward starts at the Junction of Baimbay Road and Pie Maray Street, it moves along Pie  Maray  Street  Southward  on  to  the  junction  of  King  Street  and  continues  on  to Domboko  Road  Junction  Southward  passing  the  Junction  of  Revenue  Lane,  Cluffin Lane, and Mission Road on to the end of the town .It moves Westward along the bush on to the end of Mission Road and continues along the bush North-Westward on to the end of Baimbay Road. It finally moves Eastward along Baimbay Road on to meet the junction  of  Pie  Maray  Street  where  the  Ward  starts.  It  also  consists  of  Gbongboma Village. It has a population of 4,304.
309The Ward consists of Sahaya and Kamai Sections in the Sittia Chiefdom and the entire
Dema Chiefdom. It has a population 10,001.
310This   Ward   consists   of  Yoni,   Sampoh,   Kwalloh,   Saama,    Moh,   Ngepay   and Gonoh  Sections in Sittia Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,050 peaple.
311This  Ward  consists  o f   Sahn-Gbega,  Bamba  Section  (all  in  Saittia  Chiefdom)  and the  entire Bendu Cha Chiefdom. It has a population of 11,184.
312This  Ward  consists  of Salon,  Gbap,  Manyyime,  Baoma,  Pelewahun,  Bullon,  Garinga and  Bohol Sections in Nongoba Bullom Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,004.
313The    Ward    consists    of   TunTun    Sullay,    Kassie,    Hahun,    Torma    Suba    and Gangbassa  Sections Nongoba Bullom Chiefdom. It has a population of 9,396.
314This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Yawbeko  Chiefdom  and  Salma  Section  in Nongoba Bullom  Chiefdom; It has a population of 8,544.
315This  Ward   consists  of  Massa  Settie,   Kpanga  Koimato,   Yikie  Karbay,  Tubla, Mosenten  Sahen  2  and  Kwako  Lanten  Sections  in  Kwamebai  Krim  Chiefdom.  It has a population of 12,332.
316This   consists   of   Gbegain,  Torma,   Tamba,   Yargbe   and   Fikie   Sections   in   Bum Chiefdom. It has a population of 11,032.
317This  Ward   consists   of   part   of   Koimato,  Lanje,  Yawma   and   Gbondubum Sections  in  Bum  Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,307.
318This Ward  consists of Ndopie  and Beyorgboh  Sections in  the Sogbeni Chiefdom and  Beyinga Section in the Jong Chiefdom. It has a population of 8,461.
319This  Ward  consists  o f  Senjehun  in  Kpanda  Kemo  Chiefdom,  Pengor  and  Bakumba in   Sogbeni  Chiefdom  and  some   parts   of   Koimato  Section  in  Bum  Chiefdom: (Moyende,  Simbaru,  Kpatodu,  Mogbavoi,  Borleh  and  Bonde).  It  has  a  population  of 8,354.
320This  Ward  consists  of  Taokunor,  Bewoni,  Ba-Kobotu,  Sewama  and  Gbonge  Section in Kpandakemo Chiefdom. It  has a population of 8,898
321This Ward consists of Basiaka, Tucker Nyambe, Sapan Cleverland and part of Falawuja Section in Jong Chiefdom. It has a population of 9,335.
322The  Ward  consists  of  Bayengbe  Section  in  the  Jong  Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population of 11,581.
323The   Ward   consists   of   Kumabeh-Kwe   and   Landi   Ngera   and   part   of   Falawuja
Sections in Jong Chiefdom. It  has a population of 9,226.
324This Ward consists of Bigo and part of Babum Section in Imperri Chiefdom. It has a  population of 11,140.
325This   Ward   consists   of  Moimaligie,   Sokrapa,   Bapus   and   Kahekay  in   Imperri Chiefdom.  It has a population of 10,384.
326This  Ward  consists  part  of  Babum  Section  in  Imperi  Chiefdom;  Mining  Site, Semabu,   Mongeri,   Kokula,   Taninahun,   Gbangboia,   Magbomoh,   Nyandegun (Tuba)   Mosenesie   1,   Kapanguma   (Misenes),   Selina,   Mokanagbo,   Bongama, Modagba, Paguma, Moriba  Town, Mogbewa B. It has a population of 11,870.
WardMoyamba Ward Summary Description
327This  Ward  consists  of   the   following  Sections  in   Ribbi  Chiefdom:  Kentineh, Msasanka, Mokera, Masarakulay, and Motoni. It has a  population of 14,660.
328This Ward consists of the following Sections in Ribbi Chiefdom; Lower Ribbi, Upper Ribbi, Motonkoh and Mobureh. It has a  population of 15,350.
329This Ward  consists of Yoni Section in Ribbi Chiefdom and the following Sections in Bumpeh   Chiefdom:   Bellentin,   Kassipoto,   Mokebbie,   Motobon,   Saiama.   It   has   a population  of 13,610.
330This  Ward  consists  of  Greema,  Massah,  Bumpeh  and  Yengessa  in   Bumpeh Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,253.
331This  Ward  consists  of  Samu,  Mamu,  Moforay  and  Moyeamie  Sections  in Bumpeh  Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,737.
332This Ward consists Mambo,  Mobeh,  Mofuss,  Mokobo,  Moyah, Rembe, Youndu in
Kagboro Chiefdom. It has a total population of  14,956.
333This   Ward   consists   Tassor,   Bendu,   Bumpehtok,   Konolor,   Mano,   Mokandor,
Mokebay, Mopaileh, Thumba. It has a population of  17,394.
334This  Ward  consists of the  entire  Timdale Chiefdom  and  Benkeh  Section  in  Bagruwa
Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,409.
335This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Bagruwa  Chiefdom:  Benduma, Kawaya, Mokassi, Moseilolo and Palima.  It has a population of 13,842.
336This   Ward   consists   of  the  following  Sections  in   Bagruwa  Chiefdom:  Kigbai, Sembehun,   Mani   and   the   following   Sections   in   Kagboro   Chiefdom:   Moyibo, Gbuallay  and Ngiehun. It has a population of 12,176.
337The Ward consists of the entire Kongbora Chiefdom, two Sections in Kaiyamba Chiefdom: Kpanga  and  Mendegelema  and  one  Section  in  Fakunya  Chiefdom;  Kovella.  It  has  a population of 15,425.
338This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  ion  Kaiyamba  Chiefdom:  Angigboya, Koromboya, Lungili and Waliwahun. It has a population of 16,579.
339This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Fakunya  Chiefdom:  Fakoi, Gandorhun Central, Kpangulgo, Maniga, Tangbla and Tullu and one Section in Kaiyamba Chiefdom: Moso. It has a population of 15,931.
340This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Fakunya  Chiefdiom:  Kunafoi,
Njawo,Songo and To-Ndambalenga. It has a population of 15,788.
341This Ward consists of the entire Upper Banta and Ndendemoya Section in  Lower Banta Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,229.
342This Ward consists of the following Sections in Lower Banta Chiefdom: Largoh,
Mofindor, Mokotawa, Ngolala and Wulbange. It has a population of 17,772.
343This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Sections  in  Lower  Banta  Chiefdom:  Bengelloh, Gbangbatoke and Njagbahun. It then has a population of 12,829.
344This Ward consists of the entire Dasse Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,217.
345This Ward consists of the following Sections (Zones) in Kori Chiefdom: Zone 3, 4, 5
and 6.  It has a population of 13,045.
346This Ward consists of part of Zone 7 and the entire Zone 2 in Kori Chiefdom. It has a
population of 14,129.
347This Ward consists of Zone 1 in Kori Chiefdom and the following Sections in Kamajei
Chiefdom: Tawovehun, Mogbuama, Kowama, Ngoahun, Yeima and Njagbema. It has a population of  11,015.
348This Ward consists of the entire Kowa Chiefdom, Ngiegombu in Kamajei Chiefdom and part of Zone 7 in Kori Chiefdom.  It has a population of 12,242.
WardPujehun Ward Summary Description
349This Ward consists of  Zombo in Sorogbema Chiefdom, Seitua in Makpele Chiefdom, Malla and Sonjour 2 Sections in Barri Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population  of  13,811.
350This Ward consists of the entire Futa Pejeh. It has a population of 13,600.
351This Ward consists of Dakona, Sonjour 1, Laimba and Titema Sections in Barri Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,490.
352This Ward consists of Fallay, Karjei and Jougba Sections in Barri Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,481.
353This Ward consists of Gendema 1, Gendema 2, Jakema 2, Dabeni and part of Dakona including Tassor Gormain-sembehun in Galliness Perri Chiefdom. It has a population of 11,795.
354This  Ward  consists  the  entire  Kemokai,  Bondor  and  Malla  Sections  and  part  of
Jakema1  (Juhun  and  Gbanahun),  Sections  in  Galliness  Perri  Chiefdom.  It  has  a population of 11,967.
355This  Ward  consists  of the  entire Pelegbulaor  and Joya  Sections  and  some  parts  of J a k e m a  I Section in Galliness Perri Chiefdom. It has a population of 14,247.
356This Ward consists  of the entire Mewah and Kortogbu Sections and some parts of
Dakona Section in Gallines Perri Chiefdom. It has a  population of 16,682.
357This Ward consists of Massaquoi 2, Mano River and Kemokia Sections in Soro Gbema Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,490.
358This Ward consists of Moiwebu, Massaquoi 1, Zoker 1, Zoker 2 and Kengo Sections in  Soro-Gbema Chiefdom. It has a population of 19,027.
359This  Ward  consists  of  Samagbe  and  Kengo  in  Makpele  Chiefdom  and Kaizombo  Section in Soro Gbema Chiefdom.  It has a population of 14,699.
360This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Selimeh  Section  in  Makpele  Chiefdom.  It  has  a population of 14,999.
361This  Ward  consists  of  Deyombo,  Batowa  Sections  in  YKK  Chiefdom  and  the entire  Kpaka Chiefdom. It has a population of 17,599.
362This Ward consists of Kemowa, Kemo-Bo, Bagollay, Kpukumu Sections in YKK Chiefdom  and   t h e    e n ti r e    Mano  Sakrim  Chiefdom.  It  has  a  population  of
363This Ward consists of Yabai, Bapewa, Bekowa, Fortune, Seiwoh, Sowonde Sections in YKK Chiefdom and the entire Kpanga krim Chiefdom.  It has a population of 17,638.
364This  Ward  consists  of some parts of Pange  Sections  and  the  entire  Lower  Kayeimba Section in Panga Kabonde Chiefdom. It has a population of 16,924.
365This  Ward  consists  of  Setti  Yankanday,  Banyande,  Pessekeh,  Panga  and  Upper Kayeimba Sections in Panga Kabonde Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,437.
366This  Ward  consists  of  Kondogbe,  Bakoi  and  Samba  Sections  in  Panga Kabonde  Chiefdom. It has a population of 12,690.
367This  Ward  consists  of  Sabba  1,  Sabba  2,  in  Sowa  Chiefdom  and  Kabonde Sections in Kpanga Kabonde Chiefdom. It has a population of 11,798.
368This Ward consists of Kahaimoh in Malen Chiefdom Kangebai and Upper Geoma
Section in Sowa Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,549.
369This   Ward   consists   of   Kakpanda,   Upper   and   Lower   Pemba,   in   Malen
Chiefdom. It has a population of 13,025.
370This  Ward  consists  of  Korwa  and  Kemoh  Sections  in  Malen  Chiefdom.  It  has  a
population of 13,958.
371This  Ward  consists  of  Seijeila,  Bahoin  and  part  of  Takunor  Sections  in  Malen
Chiefdom. It has a population of 15,638.
WardWestern Area Rural Ward Summary Description
372This  Ward  consists  o f  part  of  Waterloo  Benguema  Areas (EA 1-16).  It  has  a population  of 14,981.
373This Ward consists of part of Sattia/Tombo (EA 1-4) and part of Waterloo Benguema Areas (EA 17-43).  It has a population of 15,467.
374This Ward consists of part of Sattia/Tombo Area (EA 5-22, 26-31 & 43). It has a population
of 15,811.
375This Ward consists of part of Sattia / Tombo Area (EA 23-25, 32-42 & 44-48). It has a
population of 15,535.
376This  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Malambay Area (EA 1-27, 31-34).  It  has  a  population of  16,281.
377This Ward consists of part of Malambay Area (EA 28-30 & 35-55). It has a population of 17153
378This Ward consists of part of Malambay (EA 56-70) and the entire Magbafti Areas. It has a population of 17,930
379This Ward consists of the entire Songo, Fabaina and part of Newton Areas (EA 1, 2, 9 & 10-22). It has a population  of 13,333.
380This  Ward  consists  of part  of  Waterloo /Lumpa (EA 1-14 &25-26),  Madonkeh  Areas and  part  of  Newton Areas (EA 3-8). It has a population of 15,145.
381This Ward consists part of Waterloo Lumpa area (EA 22-24, 27-30, 40-49 & 61-65). It
has a population of 14,501 .
382This Ward consists part of Waterloo Lumpa area (15-21, 31-39, 50-60 & 66-70) . It has a population of 13,850
383This Ward consists of part of Waterloo Campbell Town area (EA 6-20 & 29-42). It has a population of 18,944
384This Ward consists of part of Waterloo Campbell Town area (EA 1-5, 21-28, 43-44 & 46-50). It has a population of 15,447.
385This Ward consists of part of Waterloo Campbell Town Area (EA 45 & 51-78). It has a population of  17,123 .
386This Ward consists of Goderich- Funkia, part of Gbendembu (EA 1-7 & 11-17)  and part of Goderich-  Adonkia/ Milton Margai Areas (EA 1 & 2). It has a population of 21,212.
387This Ward consists of part of Gbendembu Area (EA 8-10 & 18-47) with the following localities. It has a  population of 20,409.
388This Ward consists of Kent, York and part of Hamilton Areas (EA 13-17)   It has a population of 16,600 .
389This Ward consists of part of Goderich-Adonkia/Milton Margai (EA 41-55) and part of Hamilton Areas (EA 1-12)  It has a population of 18,394 .
390This  Ward  consists  of  part  of  Goderich  –  Adonkia/Milton  Margai  Area (EA 3-40).  It has  a  population of 19,216.
391This Ward consist part of Hastings Yams Farm Area (EA 1-19 & 31). It has a population of 16,013.
392This  Ward  consists  of  Rokel  village  ( EA 13-26)  and  part  of  Hasting/Yams  Farm Areas (EA 20-30).  It has  a  population of 16,662.
393This Ward consists of part of Rokel (EA 1-12), Deep Eye Water/ Devil Hole Areas (EA 1 & 9-18). It has a  population of 13,594.
394This Ward consist part of Deep Eye Water/ Devil Hole Area (EA 2-8 & 19-41). It has a population of 13,622.
395This Ward consists part of Regent Area (1-5, 10-17 & 30). It has a population of 18,288.
396This Ward consists of part of Regent (EA 6-9, 18-29 & 31-34), the entire Bathurst and
Charlotte Areas. It has a population of 12,200
397This Ward consists of part of Jui/Grafton Area (EA 6-10, 16-22 & 29-32). It has a population of 21,187.
398This Ward consists of part of Jui/Grafton Area (EA 1-5, 11-15 & 23-28). It has a population of 15,372.


wardWestern Area Urban Description
399This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Allen  Town  2  Area.  It  has  a  population  of
26, 657.
400This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Areas;  Allen  Town  1  and  some  parts  of Mayenkineh Area (EA 16, 18 & 44). It has a population of 17,767.
401This Ward consists of some parts of Mayenkineh Areas (EA 1-15, 17, 19-43). It has a population of   22,066.
402The  Wards  consists  of  some  parts  of  Pamuronko  Area  (EA  1-24).  It  has  a
population of 20,759.
403This Ward consists of the following     Areas: Old Wharf, Bottom Oku and Tasso
Island.  It has a population of 22,048.
404This Ward consists of the entire Robis Area. It has a population of 20,896.
405This consists of the entire Industrial Estate Area. It has population of 24,664.
406This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Congo  Water  2  Area.  It  has  population  of
407This  Ward  consists  of  the  entire  Congo  water  1  Area.  It  has  population  of
408This Ward consists of parts of Rokupa Area (EA 1-24 & 28-32). It has a population of 17,376.
409This Ward consists of the entire Portee area and some parts of Rokupa Area (EA 25-27). It has a population of 17,126.
410This Ward consists of the entire Kuntolo and some parts of Jalloh Terrace Areas
(EA 7,12 & 13). It has population of 17,112.
411This Ward consists of the entire Thunder Hill and some parts of Jalloh Terrace Area (EA 35-38). It has population of 17,199.
412This Ward consists of some parts of Jalloh Terrace Area (EA 1-6, 8-11 and 14-34).
It has a population of 16,955.
413This Ward consists of Grassfield Area and some part of Kissy Bye Pass Terminal
Area (EA7-20). It has a population of 27,287.
414This Ward consists of the lowcost and Kissy Mess Mess Areas. It has population
415This Ward consists of some parts of Kissy Bye Pass Terminal (EA1-6) and part of Kissy Bye Pass Dock Yard Areas (EA 6-16 & 24-30). It has a population of 16,909.
416This Ward consists of Shell Area and Kissy Mental Area. It has a population of
417This Ward consists of some parts of Kissy Bye Pass Dock Yard Area (EA 1-5, 17-23 & 31-43) with a population of 16,544.
418This Ward consists of Mamba Ridge 2 and some parts of Mamba Ridge 1 Areas
(EA2-18). It has a population of 24,859.
419This Ward consists of Kissy Brook 2 and some parts of Mamba Ridge 1 Area (EA
1, 19-34). It has a population of 24,506.
420This Ward consists of entire Cline Town Area, part of Ashobi Corner (EA 1), and
parts of Kissy Brook 1 (EA 1-6). It has a population of 20,179.
421This  Ward  consists  of  the  following  Areas  the  entire  Quarry,  part  of  Ashobi corner  (EA 2-30) and  parts of  Kissy  Brook  1  (EA 7-13).  It  has  a  population  of
422This Ward consists of the entire Fourah Bay Area. It has a population of 21,669.
423This Ward consists of part of Kossoh Town Area (EA 1-10, 12-27, 29, 32-39). It has
a population 19,663.
424This Ward consists of entire Magazine Section and part of Kossoh Town Area
(EA 11, 28, 30, 31, 40-43). It has a population of 19,178.
425This Ward consists of the entire Ginger Hall Area. It has a population of 21,173.
426This Ward consists of the entire Foullah Town Area. It has population of 22,063.
427This Ward consists of the entire Susan’s Bay Area and part of Mountain Regent
Area (EA1-8).  It has a population of 20,569.
428This Ward consists of the entire Tower Hill Area and parts of Mountain Regent
Area (EA 9-37). It has a population of 19,592.
429This Ward consists of Albert Academy and Sorie Town Areas. It has a population
of 22,338.
430This Ward consists of Sanders Brook and some part of Kroo Town Areas (EA 1- 24, 33, 38-45). It has a population of 27,247.
431This  Ward  consists  of  three  Areas:  Kingtom,  Connaught  Hospital  and  some  part  of Ascension Town (EA 1-5). It has a population of 26,659.
432This Ward consists of four Areas: part of Ascension Town (EA 6-22), Brookfields, and Some parts of Brookfields Red-Pump (EA 1-5), and some Parts of Kroo Town (EA 25-32
& 34-37). It has a population of 23,108.
433This   Ward   consists  of  two   Areas:   Brookfields   Congo   Town   and   some   parts   of Brookfields Red-Pump (EA 6-24). It has a population of 25,319.
434This Ward consists of two Areas: Sumaila Town and some parts of George Brook (EAs
1, 3, 6-15, 27-34, 46-51, 67 & 68). It has a population of 25,150.
435This Ward consists of two Areas: New England/Hennesson Street and some parts of George Brook (Dworzak) (EA 2, 4-5, 16-26, 35-45, 52-66, and 69). It has a population
of 24,634.
436This Ward consists of two Areas: New England /Hill Cut and some parts of Hill Station (EA 3-12, 16-33 and 35). It has a population of 25,809.
437This   Ward   consists   of   two   Areas:   Willberforce   and   some   parts   Hill   Station (EA 1, 2, 13-15 & 34). It has a population of 26,585.
438This Ward consists of Congo Town Area: It has a population of 19,479.
439This Ward consists of Tengbeh Town Area: It has a population of 21,256.
440This Ward consists of Murray Town Area: It has a population of 18,784.
441This Ward consists of two Areas:  Cockle Bay/Collegiate and some part of Cockerill
/Aberdeen (EA 1-5). It has a population of 24,045.
442This Ward consists of three Areas: Pipeline/Wilkinson Road, some parts of
Cockerill/Aberdeen (EA 6-21) and some part of Lumley (EA 56-60). It has a population of 21,937.
443This Ward consists of Aberdeen Area: It has a population of 18,806.
444This Ward consists of some parts of Lumley Area (EA 1-35, 37-38, and 48-55). It has a
population of 21,395.
445This Ward consists of two Areas: Malama/Kamayama and some part of Lumley (EA 36 and 39-47). It has a total population of 20,333.
446This Ward consists of Juba/ Kaningo Area: It has a population of 23,573.


For more information about the ward descriptions, read

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